Preventing ageing of skin

Preventing ageing of skin

Q. What are the signs of ageing skin?

A. Ageing skin shows wrinkles (which may be fine lines or deep), pigmentation (also known as age spots) and loss of volume from under the eyes and cheeks causing hollows. Skin tends to sag causing jowls and neck skin appears loose. The ability of our skin to hold water reduces causing dryness.  

Q. At what age should one start antiageing treatment and which treatments are recommended?

A. Chronological ageing begins and continues at the cellular level from the moment we are born. Photoageing occurs as we start being exposed to sunlight. However visible signs of ageing are seen from the third decade onwards. So the first step towards age prevention is sun protection.  The need for moisturising also increases with age. After 25 years of age antiageing creams should be started, preferably something with retinoids. From 30 yrs onwards, preventive clinical treatments like skin tightening, laser/ light therapy and chemical peels are recommended at least once in a few months. Botulinum toxin (Botox/Neuronox), fillers and threads are used once wrinkles and sagging have set in.

Q. What role does diet and lifestyle have to play in preventing ageing?

A. Huge role. Healthy living is the backbone of any antiageing plan. Smoking/ tobacco in any form is a strict no. Nicotine, environmental pollution, physical or mental stress and illness cause release of free radicals in our body that damage our cells.  Antioxidants are substances that scavenge free radicals. Fresh fruits and vegetables (especially the coloured ones), soyabeans, tea/ coffee and nuts and  are rich in anti oxidants Vitamins A, C and E are proven antioxidants. Our body repairs cellular damage best when we sleep, so one can't undermine the importance of good rest.  Crash dieting causes loss of fat from underneath the skin, thus loosening it. 

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